Saturday, December 1, 2007

Random thoughts...

G, I need help posting videos. I found one about a 200 round glock that just kicks ass.

I am hung over right now.

I am glad that I actually have time off from work. This is day #3.

It was great to get together with the brotherhood last night for Torry's wedding.

What the hell was in that shot last night? I feel terrible.

Did I mention this is my 3rd day off from work?

No more thoughts... goodbye!

1 comment:

Greg said...

Ok, so when you go to u-tube and you find a video, there should be a spot on the right of the video that says "embed". You highlight that whole strip of code and copy it. Then you go to your blog and add it in the HTML portion of your post area, like you do when you have a photo. Then click back to the regular part of the post screen and the vid will show up as a box with a red X in the corner.

Let me know if this works!