Saturday, December 29, 2007

Is it for real or just a fantasy???

I am wondering if today is just a teaser? I am starting to feel better but only when I lay down on the couch. I did a load of dishes and made myself breakfast but after that I started to get dizzy again. I think it's just because I have been sick and laying down for the last 5 days. The most activity I have had is the whole going to the bathroom thing. I know, it just sounds terrible. I believe I am just needing to do a little activity every hour or so. This will hopefully break me in for the next few days. It would be nice to be able to go over to my Mom and Dad's tonight so we can have Christmas with my Sister and Carl and my nephew Blake. If we do, I think we will just stay for a little while. I don't want Kt and I to seem like we don't appreciate the time and everything but this whole getting sick thing has just sucked donkey. The last thing I want to do is to get everyone else sick and ruin new year's also.

Enough with the sick talk. I hope G had a good time with his new bowling ball "NV"! If it works anything like my first one did for you, you will have your average go up about 8 to 10 pins by the end of the season. Tell that sumbitch doesn't just hammer the pocket!!! Remember that my first game that actually counted with that ball was a 279.

I am now pissed off at microsoft right now. My XBox360 has been working fine for the last year and a half now and all of the sudden it decides to not want to turn on anymore. I am really pissed off right now and hope that they will fix or exchange that damn thing. I got this game for x-mas called Assassins Creed. I rented it for a week and it just rocked. I was really looking forward to playing it but the ole XBox won't work with me. If you know me at all, I have just about picked the damn thing up and thrown it accross the room. (In my mind that is) I really love gaming, especially when I am sick and there is nothing I can do.
I was forced to watch movies all day. Has anyone ever sat and watched all 6 Star Wars movies within 2 days? I just about did. I watched 2, 3, 4, and 5. 2 on Thursday night and 2 yesterday during the day. Then Kt and I watched "The Number 23". What a f'd up movie. It is one worth watching though. It makes you pay attention. After that we watched "Superbad". I don't think that it was that great of a movie, but it is one of those movies that you watch a couple of times and laugh at the one liners that they drop and some of the other quirky parts that only you know are coming. Kind of like a mix of "Super Troopers and Dazed and Confused" I know, weird combo, but it's one of those movies that you will probably watch a few times and then end up liking it a little more each time. "Super Troopers and Dazed and Confused" were much better movies than this one though.

O.K., I think I'll stop for now and let you read something more interesting. I'm gonna watch me some Food Network and get some more ideas for recipes and cooking.

Bye, Bye!!

1 comment:

Greg said...


The new ball is AWESOME!! The first game was a 170 and I was throwing shitty, the second game was a 198 and I wasn't even trying, and then the third game I started to feel like hell so I stopped about half way through. It will take some getting used to, but I can tell already the NV is head and shoulders above any ball I have ever owned! You can tell just by the sound it makes when it hits the pins there is something special about the ball. I can't beleive how the pins seen to explode, even when you mis-hit the pocket!

Just plain awesome!