Saturday, January 5, 2008

She's on days...

Yes, my wife is on days now. This really is a good thing for the two of us. I do have to admit though, it will take a little adjusting on my part. See, I am a real independent person and like to have alone time, so it takes a little time to adjust to having someone at home when I get home from work. This has happened more than once. I really hope she stays on nights. Everytime she gets moved to days, someone quits, gets fired, or doesn't make it through training. For her sake more than anything, I will keep my fingers crossed. I will be able to adjust eventually. Usually it takes me about a month and everything is fine. We get to have actual meals together. She doesn't miss out on evening activities...etc. It really is better for us. Another reason for the hope of a stable work schedule for her is........................................... KIDS........................................ That's right, we would like to actually start a family. This stability in her schedule would provide for a better opportunity for us to make a little monster. No, she's not prego right now, but we hope for it to happen soon. (You hear me up there, sir?) We would love to be blessed with a little one very soon. I'm not getting younger and these knee's will only hold up a little longer before I will not be able to run. I would like to be able to run with my child. Anyway, enough about that.
Remodel update..........
Wed. : Floor install
Thurs: New dining room set arrival
Sat : Finish up on Electric and Light Fixtures

Gotta go for tonight!

P.S. R . I . P . Grandma S. We love you!!!


Nellie said...

You say you really hope she stays on nights... did you mean days?

I know how you feel though. It is an adjustment when they come back to days, like when G switches every 3 months. I pretty much have my own life for the 3 months he's on nights... I get used to just me and E. It is a huge adjustment when it turns to days. I have to share! SHARE! The tv, computer, phone, E, etc... we seem to bicker more when he is on days... that sucks. But we survive.

I'm excited to ge the couch! Can't wait :) Good job on picking out a nice one!

everyone needs a ride! said...

I meant days. Sorry!