Friday, November 2, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy, Holy Shit I'm busy!!!

Work has been basically consuming me for the past week and a half. I know Kt would say, "When doesn't work consume you?" but this week has been just friggin' busy. Here's a good example. On Wed. there was a point in the day between 3:30pm and 5pm that I had 5 different customers at the dealership at one time. Can I tell you how overwhelming that can be? Holy shit was I busy. In the last week and a half I have sold about 15-17 cars. Wow!!! For my dealership, which not a high volume dealer, that is great. Don't get me wrong, I love being this busy. The one thing that is hard is that Kt does not really have any part of me as far as my mind. I am lost in the head. I think that this "Blog" will help me connect with her mentally being as I cannot for the life of me grab any one thought from my head while I am around her. I pretty much don't feel she needs to here everything that is going on in my head as far as work is going. This is an example of what is probably going through my head.... (I hope they like the Equinox that they are driving over the weekend and want to buy it.) (What should I do about this guy that wants me to get the price down $2,000 more.) (There's no way I am gonna be able to get them that much for their trade) These things are all part of the bazillion thought that rush through my head at astronomical speeds. This is exactly what I mean when I tell her that I don't know what I'm thinking.
"Oh, just give me a beer."
Enough of that, I don't need to bore you too much. (Look G, I spelled it for you) Hahaha!

Bowling update............ 168, 224, 168 (560 series) pretty mediocre.

Gotta go!

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