Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Stupid people shouldn't breed...........

This is very true, not only in my profession, but also in the real world. My morning DID NOT start off good at all. One person that I have sold numerous cars to, and whom does not take care of any of them, called in bitching and yelling at me because his truck is falling apart. Well, BUDDY, maybe you shouldn't let other people borrow your vehicles all of the time. And maybe you shouldn't drive them like they are unbreakable. And maybe you shouldn't be blaming this on the manufacturer and take responsibility for you own property! IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Believe me, if you knew this person, which one of you know who he is, (KT) you would totally be on my side and not think that I don't believe in customer service. I take very good care of my customers, and have gone out of my way to take care of this one over the past 5years. It's just too bad that he doesn't grow up and stop living in his fantasy world.
Next person! This started out as an internet lead. He has a specific vehicle that he wants, as far as equipment build. So, I look to see if there is one physically available or if I have to tell him to order it from the factory. Anyway, I find one that would be available for him and give him the price (cuz that's what everyone wants is price, price, price!). Then he tells me that the M.S.R.P. is higher than what he built on the internet. Excuse me sir! You mean to tell me that you have already built the vehicle on the internet and come up with the M.S.R.P. and you are calling me to find out what I can get you for a price? F***K YOU PRICK!!! I'm sorry, but, these people think they know it all, but don't. If they did, they wouldn't have to be calling around to dealerships. Not to mention, that the website that they build these vehicles on, does not tell them that they have to order a certain package in order to get the specific option that they want. You think I'm out to get you and I don't know what I'm talking about fool? I'm the professional here and I do this every day. Can you tell I am very frustrated right now? I can tell you this. These are the thoughts of a very professional and caring car salesman, and I do not let these words actually come out of my mouth when I talk to thesetypes of people.
So there is the source of the problem that produce the title of this post to be "Stupid People shouldn't breed!"

Thanks for reading, and, the day will only get better from here on out.
Kt is bringing me Gyro's for lunch.

Bye for now.


OhCaptain said...

On days like should check out the website for the Darwin Awards. Should lift your spirits!

Kt said...

Sorry your day was such crap!!!!

I do know who you are talking about and yes, he is not very smart. Too much money for his own good!!!!

I will make your night better, cheesey potatoes and stuffed chicken breasts for dinner sound good? See you when you get home.