Friday, October 26, 2007

Lovely day.....

Yesterday was a very good day. I took the entire day off from work, spent most of the day with my wife, and got some shit done. So, I started off the morning with a little cleaning up around the house. Nothing major really, just some of the very much needed vacuumning of the dog hair throughout the house. Kt and I could do this about twice a day to keep up with the shed monsters. We kind of live with the dog hair though. After that, Kt went to lunch with her mom and I went down to the boat. Yes, my lovely boat. This is the last week I could get away with having it at the marina. So, unfortunately, it was time to call it quits for the year as far as boating is concerned. Isn't that boat a beauty? I think so. Kt and I, because it was close to 60 degrees out, decided to go for a boat ride. A little cool it was, but not bad. I thought it was fun. We took some pictures of the river valley's beautiful, changing fall colors.After we got back from boating, I had to load up the boat and take it to the storage place. A little sad is what I was. Now Kt will have to put up with me all winter saying "Honey, can we go for a boat ride?" Mind you I'm saying this in about January. So, anyway, the boat is put away for the winter and we headed back to town and walked around downtown for a little while.

Now, in my previous post, I spoke of refinishing my bowling ball. This decision turned out to be a very favorable idea. I paid $30 to get this done, and I bowled tons better. It took me a little while to get the right line down, but when I did, it was hello Mr. Strike Ball. I started off the first game with a 175. The second game was a 180. And finally, the third game was a whopping 247. Combined games tallying myself a 602 series. Now this is where I should be and am used to being as far as scores. Also the new bowling shoes had a little to do with the successful night. Yeah baby..... I like that 247!!! What do you think G? Nice huh? The really neat thing about getting the ball refinished is that, I found myself having to throw the ball with less effort. This helped tremendously for the simple fact that, before the refinish, I was cranking on the ball to get it to do what I needed. Last night was like when I first bought the ball. All I had to do is throw to a spot on the alley, and let the ball do the work. Boy does my arm and wrist thank me for this.

Anyway, I need to cap off the night. It's time for bed. Next post will be a movie review of what I watched tonight.

Have a great night!!!


Greg said...

I WANT A NEW BALL!!!!! Hey if you are going to order the NVS from, I have a code so you get an extra $10 off. I am pretty sure it expires before I will get a chance to use it. I will find it and get it to you or KT tomorrow (Sunday).

Does Mike from the alley drill balls he does not sell? i.e. will he drill a ball that is bought on the internet?

Kt said...

January? You asked me the day we took the boat out of the water if we could go out on the boat. Haha.

Thank you for spending the day with me. I had a great time and I know you did too!!!

Can't wait to watch the movie and hear your review.

Greg said...

UPDATE ME!! WANT MOVIE REVIEW!! Wish we could have all gone out on Saturday night and got dressed up! Wouldn't that be fun? You, me, and the wives?!?