Monday, October 22, 2007

Aaaaah! Monday Night TV......

This is the night where I like to watch my TV shows. I don't know why, but it seems like NBC just knows that Monday nights are really the only night during the week that I get to watch the Prime Time TV shows, and they lined them all up on Monday night. 7pm starts out with this new show called "Chuck" comedic, computer geek meets super hot secret agent chick. He gets an email from an old college buddy and that ends up imbedding itself in his brain, and now he's a frickin' walking computer database. Pretty cool show. 8pm is my most important show, "Heroes". This show is kick ass. All about super powers in regular people. You just need to watch it. There is way too much to explain so I would suggest if you haven't seen it yet,,,,,,,,,,, you'd better go to and check it out. You can actually watch the show online. 9pm brings another new show for this year, "Journeyman". I also very much like this show. It is very much like the show that used to be on all the time "Quantum Leap" only this one is more unique. Tonight was kind of a turning point for the main character. He and his son are downtown in the crowd and all of the sudden he gets a headache (this is the symptom he gets when he is about to time travel) and he disappears. Woosh! Just vanishes out of thin air. The cool part about it, is the fact that he always travels at the worst time. So, anyway, the turning point is that his boy is now alone in crowd and mother and uncle can't find him. He wants to tell his boy what is going on, but, he thinks he is too young and won't understand, yet his wife thinks that being 7 years old may help him understand easier. The best part happens when he is on his way to talk to his son in his room and "bam" headache hits, he starts yelling for his wife and grabbing things to take with him, and "woosh" , (blue light) he's gone and his kid is just standing there. (I guess he knows now).

So, that's my Monday night TV relaxation. Then, of course, a little Monday Night Football to cap the night off.

As far as work today........ Yucky! Absolutely nothing happened and I couldn't make anything happen. Hopefully tomorrow turns to be more productive. O.k. now my wife insists on trying to give me crap because I am still typing on this blog. Kiss my ass! You suggested it, I'm doing it, be happy and shooossshh!

Let me tell you about my black lab, Raven. She stinks real bad right now. I think she was outside eating her own shit or something. Her breath smells nasty.

And now on to Fantasy Football. I major F***ked up this week in my Reunion League (This a league of 10 guys that I went to school with, 6 of them are part of the Brotherhood) ((you'll here about the brotherhood in future posts)) this week. Started the wrong players and got my ass schooled. My record in this league is now 3-4. I will start doing better after my starting running backs get healthy. In my other league, "Andy's" I will now end up the week with a 4-3 record. Thanks to Randy Moss, Adrian Peterson, Jason Whitten, and Maurice Jones-Drew. These guys are my dogs this year, and they are all finally starting to gel at the same time. I think I have a real good chance of making it deep into the playoffs this year with the guys that I have. Unbelievable, I have Steven Jackson (my first pick in the draft) on injured reserve. Wow! I think that will be enough for tonight. Oh, by the way, I got my bowling ball refinished and bought new bowling shoes G. I will let you know if that improves me this week. The track is removed from the ball and I think this will have a big part in the pin action this week.


1 comment:

Greg said...


I was not sticking on the approaches because they were sticking, my shoes were older than dirt. I had worn a hole in the slide pad and was sticking like a bastage. The new ones work great. I think that I may have changed my mind on what I want for christmas. It may be either the NV or the NVS instead of the handgun. We will have to see.

Hope you do better this week. I have to find a way to get my first game up into the 180-190 range so that I can have a solid series on a consistant basis.

Later Bro!!