Sunday, October 21, 2007

Flippin' Head Coach has his head up his ass!!!!!!!!!

I just have to use that headline for my post. It's the damn truth. Someone needs to make the decision to stop letting Childress make the play calls. He is so lost in himself. What the hell is he doing changing the gameplan when it was starting to gel? I can't believe that one week the play calls come in and they are very well timed and then the next week, we start out using the right plays on the first drive and then all of the sudden we get off of the scheme that has been working. Your star running back, whom you have been saying is still the #2 back in your lineup, touches the ball for 12 carries? What the f***k??? This is just killing me. Your defense scores you a touchdown, and A.P. scores, and that's all you can do? We have no passing game whatsoever. Mainly because that fat ass Bryant Mckinnie can't pass block and the bumbling idiot Ryan Cook can't seem to get his head out of his ass. You would think that all the money the coaches and players are getting paid, they would make the corrections immediately during the game and put up a legitimate fight. Not to mention that the tight end is not even existing in our offensive scheme. The tight end is a huge factor in opening up your wideouts. Duh!!! It's just getting really frustrating watching the same old conservative play calling. I'm thinking we should just have the Gophers play for us. At least they aren't on the big payroll to "F" things up. It's too bad Childress isn't getting a clue after the last year and a half. It's also too bad that Mike Tomlin had to leave for Pittsburgh, he would have been a better fit at the Head Coach position for us. Well, enough of this whining from me about something that I really have no control over. I'll leave you with this hilarious pic I googled. It Rocks!!!!

Does this give you any idea how I feel about our coach right now?


Kt said...

Wow, I new that you loved football!

Greg said...

The only thing I see wrong with the play calling is not letting Peterson run more (since he is on my fantasy team). Other than that, he is doing a wonderful job!! HA HA HA HA HA HA.
