Friday, January 11, 2008

Dinner's Up!!!

I just wanted to post a little summsumm on the yummyumm that I enjoy making so very often. This is a picture of what I made for dinner tonight.

What you see there is some (left)Baby Red Potatoes w/ onion, garlic, and parsley that were baked in Extra Virgin Olive Oil and half a stick of melted Butter. (right) Thick Tender Cut Steaks specially seasoned to taste like they were made on the grill and to taste spicy. Ingredients consist of: Ground Cumin, Crushed Red Pepper, Sea Salt, Black Pepper freshy ground, and then a Worsteshire and Soy Sauce marinade that I use to deglaze the spices from the bottom of the skillet that the steaks were cooked in. Then I steamed some fresh Asparagus. Hungry yet???

Onward with the post. I know that I told you I would post some pics of the dining room but I haven't had a chance to get good pics. Tomorrow evening and Sunday morning will produce great photos as the new light fixtures will be installed and my lovely wife will have uncluttered the stuff she purchased at Target today. So you will just have to wait another day or two to get a good shot.

Enough for tonight. It's time to hit the hay. Later.

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