Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Crazy is what I'm going.......

Ranting and raving about work is what I will do. Crazy is what I will turn. It has been so boring at work the last two days. I don't know what to do with myself. I have this sweet deal worked out where if I average 15 cars a month over a 90 day running average, I can come and go as I please. Well, some other co-workers seem to making a little fuss about this arrangement. Not that I don't deserve it, because they know I do. It's mainly because they are jealous they don't get to be doing it (because they haven't averaged that) and also because they feel that I'm on "S's island" and not being part of the team. I can understand to a certain extent, but, I also have to say "I know you are trying, but, I worked my friggin ass off to earn this and I'm going to take full advantage of it." I haven't left anyone hanging at all. The nights that I'm scheduled until 8pm, I work. I may not get in until 9:30 or 10am some days, but, it's also really slow right now. Only one person had the balls to say something to me about the situation, everyone else hasn't checked in their cahones. Whatever anyway!!! I'm over it.

Will post soon!!!


Greg said...


Doesn't it suck when other people are asshole's becuase you work your ass off and earn the perks you get! I say piss on them, and keep doing what you are doing.

Keep up the good work man!

Unknown said...

Amen boy!!! You bust your ass and those other pussies need to shut up!!!! I wanna come live on "S's island"....sounds like fun!!! ~Meg