Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I will be turning to Seagram's 7 in 3,2,1, now!!!

This has been quite a week, let me tell ya! Of course, I always have the excuse of "work"! Yes, that is right, "work". I have had to try like hell to get out of the dealership on time every night. The thing that sucks about it, is that, pretty much most of the day is all about making phone calls. The evening is what takes the energy out of me. Everyone wants to come in at the same time.

Example: Appt. 4pm (sale)/ appt. 4:45pm(delivery) / appt. 5:45 pm (delivery)/ appt. 6:30pm (sale)/ appt. 7:15 pm (delivery)

That was yesterday's schedule for me. I feel like a friggin' doctor's office sometimes, only I don't get to just come up to you, tell you to open your mouth and say aaahh, check your ears, tell you to breath in deep and exhale a few times, then tell you that you have a chest cold and to take some cough syrup during the day and nyquil at night. Keep in mind that I start work at 8:30am and am supposed to get done at 8pm. What a friggin' long day crammed into 4hours.

Today was somewhat the same but a little more tame. The same boring daytime and then, WHAM! 4:00 hits and everyone wants to come in. Luckily I had a couple of reschedules that moved to Friday. This gave me more time to focus on one customer at a time. I hate making them feel like I just want the sale and don't care what happens the rest of the time they are there and then of course when they leave. I catch myself, well, explaining myself.
Didn't get to leave until 8:55pm tonight. Sold one right before the end of the night. Real nice couple. They were really happy and wanted to make sure that I was o.k. staying late. We all had a place to be afterwards so everyone understood that we would make it short and sweet and get together on another day. Feel good story of the day I guess. Aren't you just getting shivers down your spine?


I am excited for lots of turkey tomorrow. Nummmmmmmmyyyyyyyy!

20lbs. Turkey going in the oven at 11am, serving at 6pm. Turkey and Football. (and family of course)



Cock! Shit! Dumbshit Dooshbag!! Pissss out my ass!!! Excuse me I was just watching a little South Park with Cartman and Stan faking Terret Syndrome.

Thank you for your continued viewing of this blog. I would love to see more hits by new readers. I'm sorry if the vulgarity gets to be too much. I just don't like to hold back. I'm not always like this am I? (Kt)?????????????????????

Goodnight for now, need to rest for tomorrow. Here I come Seagrams 7.

1 comment:

Greg said...

WOW what a post!! MMMMMM Seagrams 7's........

Hey!! Any word on bowling balls? I am having Total NV anxiety!!