Thursday, November 8, 2007

Day off! I want to be lazy.......

The reason you have not been graced with a witty post lately is, I have been busy at work. Not complaining here, love the busy times. It almost bothers me a little that I didn't go in today. When you get on a roll in the business, you really need to stay on the roll. The good thing is that, I have been selling cars long enough now to know that you need to take some time away. You need to remember that you have a life outside of the car biz'. So this is what I have done today, I now have been able to take a day off from the grind and relax a little.

Next subject: Sleeping habits

The one problem I am having still, is the daylight savings time change. I don't quite understand though. I've never had this problem in the past. I go to bed at the same time, but wake up earlier than usual every day. Like for instance.... Bed at Midnight, up at 7:15am. ON MY FRIGGIN' DAY OFF. Note to self: Sleep in you jackass!!! So, you tell me. I woke up for work at 6:45am on Monday, 7:05 on Tuesday, and 6:55am on Wednesday. Is this because I'm getting older?

Moving on with things. Woke up this morning, checked the email, and laid around. Had a delicious cup of "Hot Apple Cider" with a little Cinnamon sprinkled on it. Laid around some more waiting for Kt to get out of bed, thinking to myself, "Lord knows she aint getting up anytime soon."

About 9am rolls around and my tummy is growling at me, so I went up and decided to wake Kt up and tell her I'm ordering breakfast and asked her if she wanted anything. I ordered a Denver Omelette with a side order of Bacon and a Ham-n-Cheese Omelette for Kt from Liberty's. It was goooooood! Nothing like having breakfast delivered to your house. I would have made breakfast but we need to go to the grocery store.

Here's the coolest part of the morning: I took about an hour nap! Woohooo!

It is now noon and I must get up and go do something with Kt. I think we are going to go check out this house down the block from us. It is a forclosure and we have been talking about figuring out a way to purchase investment properties. The plan is to buy it, fix it up, rent it, or contract for deed it, and then eventually sell it. It would not be considered "Flipping" the house, you can't do that in MN, it's illegal.

Looking forward to Bowling tonight. Sorry you had to get puky on Monday G. That must have sucked. Did you leave a puke trail or a poop trail on the approach? JK

Oh, G, don't get the NVS, I have been told that there have been many people complaining about it's lack of driving force through the pocket. I would stick to the NV or the Black Widow. Talk to Shag's about it.

Final thought: Packers will lose this week!!!

There you have it G. I'm firing out the smack now!


Bye Bye for now.

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