Sunday, October 21, 2007

The day after.....

Told you I would post about the wedding. We had a great time. It was in a huge tent down by the marina. Beautiful setup. I started in with the night going straight to the Crown&7's. And boy did I have plenty. The great thing about the wedding is that, normally I am not very comfortable at weddings. Don't ask me why. I just, for some reason, get a little stuffy and closed off. Anyway, I think alot of it has to do with the fact that this particular group of people that are involved, are people I feel I can be myself around, and basically let loose if I want. Kt likes to see this. She couldn't believe that I was dancing as much as I was. I think the reason for the dancing was the fact that if in fact I was making an ass out of myself, I definitely was NOT alone. After the wedding we proceeded to the Casino for some fun and games. I gotta tell you. Normally, I am totally against gambling. Not because I don't think it's right but because blackjack, for me, use to be an evil addiction. Young and dumb is what they say, and that is what I was. Now, I only go to the casino for the buffet. But on the last two occasions we got a room for the night for these weddings. And a little late night blackjack is what I did. I gotta say, I was very much in control of myself both times. The first time I played for about 15 min. and last night (actually this morning) I played for about 40 min. Walked away a winner. Tipped the dealer $5.00 and they both have looked at me like "You have been winning on most of your hands, and your walking away now?" I know, most would stay and play, as my friends did. I, on the other hand, said "I gotta go check on my wife." One girl at the table said, "Oh, your so sweet." That pretty much closed out the night for us. By the way, my lovely wife won $60 and I walked away $65 richer. Pretty much payed for our booze for the night.

O.k., time to watch some football with the dad.

1 comment:

Kt said...

The wedding was a blast, wasn't it!!!! I can't believe that you were dancing!!!!

And winning some money made the night even better!!!!