Thursday, October 18, 2007

Damn you Crud!!!!

Well, I guess the boat isn't going to move itself onto that trailer and drop itself off to storage. Well, neither am I. This Crud is not helping matters one bit. I am just trying to take a nap before I go into work, but that isn't working either. I am looking forward to bowling tonight. Hopefully I will bowl good. Usually when I am sick, I bowl good. I think it's because I don't think, I just bowl. It's good to see the sun is out, for now. I think I will try for that nap now.


Kt said...

Sorry honey! I wish I didn't have the crud either. It totally sucks!!!! I'm going back to bed!
Night, Ka

Greg said...

Sorry Well you should be happy that your crud has not been going on for WEEKS!!!! Not looking forward to E going back to daycare so we can get sick even more.

Speaking of cars.....can you check on how much a reciver hitch would cost to get on the van? I would like a 2" if possible.

Thanks and good luck with the bowling tonight! I had 9 in a row and then threw a 7 with the first ball in the 10th. Then I spared and threw another strike. DAMN IT!!