Thursday, October 18, 2007

My first post!

I can't believe I decided to start posting. I figure that this could be a good stress reliever. "Plus, everyone else is doing it". Well, today is that day that I decided to get the boat out of the water and bring it down to put it in storage. I really dred doing this. Not because it is a tough thing to do physically, but, mentally I hate it because this means that Winter is right around the corner. So not looking forward to that. Also the expense seems to build up over the course of the winter because all the little things that are wrong or could go wrong seem to be found and the total keeps rising. Well enough about that. My BIL talks about his weekly bowling adventures so I think I will talk about mine. I bowl on Thursdays, he bowls on Mondays. I know why he speaks so highly of the "Total NV ball" I have it. I bought it the day before we went to the State Tournament last year, and the first game I bowled down there with it was a 279. Not bad at all. I bowled another 279 that weekend with it and also a 701 series. That is the best I have ever bowled in my life. So yeah, it's a great ball. I hope G gets it for himself. I have thought about purchasing another to have when this one wears out. Yes, these bowling balls do wear out. G also is speaking of feeling like poo. I too, feel like poo! Thanks E! This started last Thursday when my K, we'll start calling her Kt now, brought E home for a little bit. Both of them passed this crud on to me. I thought I kicked it, but was not successful. So, last night I thought I would go out for a few hours and drink it off. Didn't work. I feel worse. Plus, I have to go into work today for a delivery. That's what we call a customer picking up their new vehicle and taking "delivery" in the car business. Lord help me, I am now sweating this crud and not feeling like doing anything. Well, I have to do this boat thing before it doesn't get done and I have do it in a rush after I go into work. Not fun to have to rush myself before bowling. Something else that is going to be a chore tonight. I really feel like crap. Thanks E and Kt.!!!!!! Next time I will post much better news. When the crud is gone. The above posted pic is my lovely Kt's 07 Chevy Impala SS.


Kt said...

I am so proud that you decided to dot this. I think it will be a great way for you to relieve stress and vent!!!!! Love you!!!!

OhCaptain said...

Congrats on starting your blog! I'll be checking back often.