Friday, October 19, 2007

After a long day.....

What a day it was. As you can see from this morning's post, the day probably didn't pan out to be productive. Just when I thought the day would end up that way, I put a deal together with a very good repeat customer. He bought the new Buick Enclave. This is one very popular crossover vehicle right now in the car biz. So popular that we received two of them within the last 2 weeks and we sold them both today. Very limited availability. I am really excited about this, for the simple fact that, it is getting harder and harder to retain customer loyalty in this business. This particular customer was not even a client of mine personally, but of the dealership. Anyhow, it just goes to show that my belief in maintaining a little conversation with someone each time you see them and paying attention to every customer that comes through the door will eventually pay off huge. I know, kinda sounds like I'm patting myself on the back here. Actually, I am. This business is getting tougher and tougher to survive in. Not everyone really truly understands what it is like. Car saleman have the stereotype that we are the sleezy scum of the earth, and that we are utterly ruthless. Reality is that those guys don't actually survive in the business. In a small town like mine, everyone knows you, and everyone talks. It's like this: "You'll always here about the bad experiences, but, you'll only here about the good experiences every once in a while." This is very true, especially in a small town. I remember my first attempt to buy a car back when I was 18. It isn't as hard as people make it out to be, as long as the salesperson you have is actually doing their job. In my case, I had a guy who was patient with me and worked for 6 months to find me the exact car that I wanted that was affordable. He is now one of my managers. If this post doesn't interest you because it is too sappy, too bad! I assure you that there will be some comedy in the future. There are alot of qwack-jobs that come walking through the door also.

Anyhow, the wife is gone for the night and probably thinks I am out downing some 12 ouncers at the local watering hole, but I'm not. With the crud faintly lingering in my system, and the quietness of the home, I decided to vegitate on my couch with the boobtube on. Catching up on a little R&R. Oh so nice!!

Speaking of the 12 ouncers, I think I'll go grab me one of those bad boys out of the fridge. Aahh!!!!!!!!!

Cold Beer. It's mighty refreshing.

Tomorrow night Kt and I have to go to a wedding. This is a friend of ours that is on the local P.D. There will be a hoot of a time to be had. (I'm sure you can imagine) I will post on Sunday more about that adventure.

And now for "The Next Great American Band" my first time watching it. I think it may be the first time on TV. Pretty interesting. Lots of diversity as far as genre's and such. Think I may get a little bored of it though. It's good that the show is full of bands and not individuals. I think the title is quite generic though. We'll see how long it airs for. Idol must be getting old to the viewing public.

Being that I am talking about a reality show, I think it is getting a little out of control. Out of all things, the local newspaper had an article/comic about bringing back the cheesy shows of the 80's. I can't remember the name's of the shows, but I do remember seeing them. I think it was more of a joke than serious. Anyway, I do agree with the fact that there are too many reality shows. There are only a few that I like. One of them being "Rob and Big". I find this show to be hilarious, and if I didn't have my two "Alien" dogs, I would have a bulldog named "Meaty".

I think I'll put a stop to all this jabber. It's just nice to sit and type what my thoughts are. Kt was right. I can actually feel the stress from the day being lifted through this simple little thing called a "BLOG". HOLY CRAP!

Thanks Honey!

'Til next time.


Kt said...

Your welcome!

Greg said...

Man, your wife comments more on your blog than updates her own!!!

J/K KT!!! Its a joke dammit.

Anyways S, I think it is great that you are blogging! I know it helps me get things out there that I wouldn't normally talk about.

Happy Saturday in the sun! Hope it was busy for ya bro.