Friday, October 19, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Here is another rainy day in the midwest. This must be like the 31st day in the last 30 days we have had rain. Not to mention it is now getting colder out. Fall is a very beautiful season around here, but not with the flippin cold and rain. Oh, did I mention I sell cars for a living? Another reason to complain about the weather. Can't really get too many people in to buy cars in this crap. Thank god for the internet. I at least can try to sell a few cars over the internet. Yes, that's right, we do sell cars right over the world wide web. I'm working on selling one to a guy in Canada right now. Something about those canucks, kinda wierd. (Aay!) Anyways, days like this can turn out to be a very, very, long day if you can't find things to keep yourself busy. (Hence the posting, from work) I got real bored right away this morning and decided I would share a few photo's of the workplace on a crappy day. So, for now, I will leave you with those bright and sunny photos until I post later.

Who knows? It could be sooner than you think! See ya later!

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