Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Today could've been better...

I am sitting here at work basically twiddling my thumbs. It went from being crazy busy (as you could see from previous posts) to being completely boring the last few days. Just about making me go nuts here. All day long just making phone calls and emailing people. Finally I got a phone call from one guy in the cities and he is coming tonight. Hopefully I can make a deal with him. He sounds pretty serious and I would have to say that if he is coming down this late at night he probably won't be wasting my time. (It is still possible he could be though) I will keep a positive attitude though and make the best of the situation. Another customer stopped in earlier tonight without an appointment, but, that one will definitely take a little work to get done.
G, I gotta say your post today was both funny and sad. I believe I know this person you spoke of and it is too bad on one part but I don't feel all that sorry either. I wouldn't wish anything bad on anyone though. You must have had some adrenaline rushing when you said that he had pee'd himself.
Anyways, enough for tonight. I don't really have much else to say.


Greg said...

I am sure that this guy is the same one you are thinking of. He seems like a nice guy to deal with, except for that whole molesting young girls thing.

I am sure the sales will pick back up, it always does!

Greg said...

Hey, we need lights for the tree. Do you have a lot? I could possibly come over next Thursday and help with lights if you wanted to. I can ask Ran-do if he can watch E and then we could do them during the day. Let me know.

I also forgot to tell Mike that I wanted a 14lb ball. He has my measurements.

Greg said...

I was thinking next week thursday. not thanksgiving. I have to work pretty much the rest of this week and the first half of next. That is why I was thinking of the 29th. Just so we are on the same page!